Visualization of Simulation Results

Brent Dixon

Idaho National Laboratory

This presentation will discuss some of the types of outputs of dynamic nuclear fuel cycle simulations that been represented graphically and the reasons for presenting the data in different ways. The range of analyses and output types will include initiation, transition, equilibrium, material isotopics, a range of specific and normalized metrics, equilibrium and dynamic economics parameters, verification parameters, breakouts by reactor type, fuel type, etc., uncertainty analyses, sensitivity analyses, and others. Examples of standardized output templates used on analyses involving multiple codes and scenarios will also be provided as examples of the typical range of outputs expected. The presentation will also include some graphics developed post-analysis to enhance the explanation of code behavior and results, including drivers for differences between codes in benchmarks. Examples will be drawn from published reports of national and international fuel cycle studies and solicitation of experienced practitioners.

This presentation should help underpin the importance of visualization and the classes that are needed to support code development and verification, scenario development, assumption sensitivity assessment, assessment of uncertainty, and presentation of results to peers, the technical community, and decision makers. The intent is to support a general discussion on visualization needs for fuel cycle simulation.